Agile Basecamp Highlights
Updated: May 19, 2021
We had an incredible time at Agile Basecamp last night! we were kindly hosted by the great crew at Quay Perth and Marcus Ward was the Sherpa for the evening welcoming and guiding another amazing team on their journey to Agile.
Marcus quoted “We demonstrated responding to change over following a plan in real time tonight after some freeway adventures and connection impediments to be overcome😁”
We hosted a real variety of interested people from Chief Financial Officers to Human Resources Consultants all with a common theme of wanting to take the first step on their journey to Agile. There were a few lightbulb moments during the event especially during the “backwards bicycle“ video and the importance of the customer in Agile. Feedback from the session was really positive with some great ideas on living the values and some clear first steps on our personal journey tool.
If this session interests you and you are thinking about your first steps to learning or relearning Agile keep an eye out for our next Basecamp or enquire about a session for your team or company.
